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Rainbow Mini Data Platform



  • By building a Data Engineering project from scratch, I have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with various languages, frameworks, patterns, and tools that a Data Engineer uses throughout the product development lifecycle.

  • I successfully migrated my project from local development to Google Cloud Platform, a process that took approximately four weeks. While there are still some areas for improvement, I have consistently put my best effort into developing, maintaining, and enhancing the project.


    All the code, scripts, and configurations for this project is not available publicly as I put it in the Tiki Corporation's private repository.

Project Architecture

  • The architecture of the project is designed based on the Lambda Architecture pattern. There are multiple components in this architecture as we will discuss later.

    Rainbow Mini Data Platform Architecture

Rainbow API

  • This is our application that reflects the business process of an e-commerce platform. I assume that each time a customer places an order, the order data will be generated and stored in the database. This application is an API written in Golang that provides endpoints for managing orders.

    Rainbow API
  • The order data includes the ID of the customer, the payment method used, and the list of products in the order. The API allows users to retrieve a list of all orders, retrieve an order by its ID, and create a new order.


  1. Base Routes

    GET /ping

    • Description: Health check endpoint.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: The service is running.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Server Error.

    GET /

    • Description: Information about the service.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: Service information.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Server Error.

  2. Order Routes

    GET /api/v1/orders/:id

    • Description: Retrieve an order by its ID.
    • Parameters:
      • id: The ID of the order.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: Returns the order details.
      • 404 Not Found: Order not found.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Server Error.

    GET /api/v1/orders

    • Description: Retrieve a list of all orders.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: Returns a list of orders.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Server Error.

    POST /api/v1/orders

    • Description: Create a new order.
    • Request Body:
      • customerId: The ID of the customer placing the order.
      • payment_id: The ID of the payment method used.
      • products: List of products in the order, each containing:
        • productId (int): The ID of the product.
        • quantity (int): The quantity of the product.
    • Response:
      • 201 Created: Order created successfully.
      • 400 Bad Request: Invalid request body.
      • 500 Internal Server: Server Error.

API Request Flow

  • Some definitions when I mention about the API request flow:

    • Routes: The endpoints of the API and maps HTTP requests to corresponding controller actions.
    • Controllers: Controllers handles HTTP requests, extracts necessary data, and calls appropriate service methods.
    • Services: Services contain the business logic of your application. It performs operations, calls the repository for data access.
    • Repositories: Repositories are responsible for data access. It performs CRUD operations on the database.
    • Models: Models represent the data in the application.
    • Unit of Work: Unit of Work is keeps track of all the changes made to the database and commits them as a single transaction.
  • When the request is being made to the API, it will go through the following steps:

    API Request Flow


  • This project uses a PostgreSQL relational database to store the data. The database schema is designed to store the order data, customer data, product data, and other relevant data.

    Rainbow Database Schema

Data Warehouse

  • The amount of data of the system is constantly increasing day by day, so it is necessary to have a data warehouse to store and analyze the data.


    4 Steps Dimensional Design Process ?

    • Step 1: Select the business process.
    • Step 2: Declare the grain.
    • Step 3: Identity the facts.
    • Step 4: Identity the dimensions.
  • Our goal is to perform sales analytics using our transactional data. To achieve this, we have built a data warehouse that centralizes the sales data along with other relevant information. For this project, I am using Google BigQuery as the data warehouse solution.

Pipeline Overview

  • We built a data pipeline to extract data from the source, load it into the data warehouse and perform necessary transformations. Finally, we generate batch views to serve the needs of the Batch layer in the Lambda Architecture.

    Data Warehouse Pipeline Overview

Data Source (Master Dataset)

  • This is where the raw data originates which we define it as our Master Dataset. This dataset is immutable and append-only, meaning that once data is written, it cannot be changed or deleted.

  • We can consider this layer as a backup of the data. If something goes wrong in the data warehouse, we can always go back to the master dataset and reprocess the data.

Staging Area

  • Data from the sources is first loaded into a staging area. The schema in the staging layer is the same as the schema in the Master Dataset.

  • I find some advantages of having a staging area:

    • This layer allows us to perform data consolidation and data cleaning before loading the data into the data warehouse. E.g: We can do renaming columns, converting data types to make data consistent between different sources.
    • If there are many pipelines run on different schedules, the staging area can be used to store the data temporarily before loading it into the data warehouse.

Data Warehouse Layer

  • Our target is to perform sales analytics with our transactional data, we categorize the data into star schema in data warehouse.


    As our amount of data is not large, I allow the data warehouse to have data redundancy to improve query performance. Therefore, I choose to use the star schema instead of the snowflake schema.

    Data Warehouse Layer (Star Schema)
  • The star schema involves those components:

    1. Fact table:

      • Our fact table fact_sales contains the quantitative data related to sales transactions of our business process. Our quantitative data or facts are sales data contain quantity of products sold (sales_quantity), unit and extended total amount (regular_unit_price, net_unit_price, extended_sales_amount), discount amount (discount_unit_price, extended_discount_amount). The fact table also contains the foreign keys to the dimension tables.
      • Granularity: Each row in a fact table is a record of an item sold.
    2. Dimension table:

      • Our dimension tables contain the descriptive data related to the our business process. The dimension tables are used to filter, group, or aggregate the data in the fact table.
      • Dimension tables: dim_dates, dim_customers, dim_products, dim_sellers, dim_promotions, dim_payments.

Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs)

  • We use the Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs) technique to handle changes in dimension data over time.

  • In this project, I implement the SCD type 2 where a change occurs in a dimension record results in a new row added to the table to capture the new data, and the old record remains unchanged and also is marked as expired.

  • For SCD Type 2, I need to include three more attributes valid_fromvalid_to and is_current as shown below. The newest version of record will have the column valid_to's value 2100-01-01 and also the column is_current's value true.

    Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs)

ELT Logic

  • The ELT process is responsible for extracting data from the source, loading it into the data warehouse and transforming it. I prefer this approach as it allows me to retain the orginal data in the data warehouse, also I can make use of dbt for the transformation step.

  • The first step in the ELT process is data extraction from the source. The strategy for this step is to export data as flat files (here I use the parquet format) and store them in Google Cloud Storage.


    I have researched and found that the parquet format is the best choice for storing data in Google Cloud Storage. Parquet is a columnar storage format that is optimized for reading and writing large datasets. Moreover, Parquet can retain the schema of the data, which makes it easier to read and write data.

  • After that, extracted data is loaded into the master dataset from Google Cloud Storage. Next, the data is transferred to the staging area. To achieve this, I am using dbt to extract data from the Rainbow Database and load it into the staging area.


    There are few dbt syntaxes that I use in the project. We will discuss more about dbt in the later section.

    FROM {{ source('rainbow', 'products') }}
  • The next step is loading data into the dimension tables. We do this by transforming the data in the staging area, combining it with existing data in the dimension tables for the SCD Type 2, and loading it into the dimension tables.


    WITH latest_version AS (
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY updated_at DESC) AS row_num
    FROM {{ ref('stg_products') }}
    current_products AS (
    ls.brand_id, AS category, AS brand,
    FROM latest_version ls
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_categories') }} AS dc ON ls.category_id = dc.category_id
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_brands') }} AS db ON ls.brand_id = db.brand_id
    WHERE row_num = 1
    existing_products AS (
    EXTRACT(DATE FROM cp.updated_at) AS valid_to,
    FALSE AS is_current
    FROM {{ this }} AS dp
    JOIN current_products AS cp ON dp.product_id =
    WHERE dp.is_current = TRUE
    AND ( != OR
    dp.rating_average != cp.rating_average OR
    dp.review_count != cp.review_count OR
    dp.sold_count != cp.sold_count OR
    dp.category != cp.category OR
    dp.brand != cp.brand
    new_products AS (
    SELECT DISTINCT AS product_id, AS name,
    cp.rating_average AS rating_average,
    cp.review_count AS review_count,
    CAST(cp.sold_count AS INT64) AS sold_count,
    cp.category AS category,
    cp.brand AS brand,
    EXTRACT(DATE FROM cp.updated_at) AS valid_from,
    DATE '2100-01-01' AS valid_to,
    TRUE AS is_current
    FROM current_products AS cp
    LEFT JOIN {{ this}} AS dp ON = dp.product_id
    WHERE dp.product_id IS NULL
    OR (
    dp.is_current = TRUE AND
    ( != OR
    dp.rating_average != cp.rating_average OR
    dp.review_count != cp.review_count OR
    dp.sold_count != cp.sold_count OR
    dp.category != cp.category OR
    dp.brand != cp.brand
    FROM existing_products
    generate_uuid() AS product_key,
    FROM new_products

    We will go from the end of the query to the beginning. The query first defines the new_products CTE, which selects the new products that are not in the existing products or the new version of the existing products. The existing_products CTE selects the existing products that have changed. The current_products CTE selects the latest version of the products from the staging area.

  • The final step is loading data into the fact table. We do this by transforming the fact data in the staging area, combining it with data from the dimension tables, and loading it into the fact table.

    unique_key=['date_key', 'product_key', 'seller_key', 'promotion_key', 'customer_key', 'payment_key', 'order_transaction'],

    WITH product_seller AS (
    FROM {{ ref('stg_products') }}
    GROUP BY id, seller_id
    ldpay.payment_key, AS order_transaction,
    sod.quantity AS sales_quantity,
    sod.price AS regular_unit_price,
    WHEN ldprom.coupon_type = 'Percentage' THEN ldprom.price_treatment * sod.price / 100
    WHEN ldprom.coupon_type = 'Fixed Amount' THEN ldprom.price_treatment * 1000
    ELSE 0
    END AS discount_unit_price,
    WHEN ldprom.coupon_type = 'Percentage' THEN sod.price - (ldprom.price_treatment * sod.price / 100)
    WHEN ldprom.coupon_type = 'Fixed Amount' THEN sod.price - (ldprom.price_treatment * 1000)
    ELSE sod.price
    END AS net_unit_price,
    WHEN ldprom.coupon_type = 'Percentage' THEN sod.quantity * (ldprom.price_treatment * sod.price / 100)
    WHEN ldprom.coupon_type = 'Fixed Amount' THEN sod.quantity * (ldprom.price_treatment * 1000)
    ELSE 0
    END AS extended_discount_amount,
    sod.price * sod.quantity AS extended_sales_amount
    FROM {{ ref('stg_orders') }} AS so
    JOIN {{ ref('stg_order_details') }} AS sod ON =
    JOIN product_seller AS ps ON sod.product_id =
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_customers') }} AS ldc ON so.customer_id = ldc.customer_id AND ldc.is_current = TRUE
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_products') }} AS ldp ON sod.product_id = ldp.product_id AND ldp.is_current = TRUE
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_sellers') }} AS lds ON ps.seller_id = lds.seller_id AND lds.is_current = TRUE
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_promotions') }} AS ldprom ON sod.promotion_id = ldprom.promotion_id AND ldprom.is_current = TRUE
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_payments') }} AS ldpay ON so.payment_id = ldpay.payment_id AND ldpay.is_current = TRUE
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_dates') }} AS dd ON DATE(so.updated_at) =

    The main idea of the query is to join the fact data with the dimension data and selects the necessary columns for the fact table.

Access Layer

  • With data stored in data warehouse, we can connect to visualization tools or applications for building charts, dashboards.

Lambda Architecture

  • Lambda Architecture is a data processing architecture that takes advantages of both batch and streaming processing methods.

    Lambda Architecture

Batch Layer

  • Batch layer is responsible for 2 purposes: Handling the historical data and Generating batch views of precomputed results.

    Batch Layer
  • It manages the master dataset where the data is immutable and append-only, preserving a trusted historical records of all the incoming data from source. I created a dataset raw for storing master dataset.

    Batch Views
  • Batch views are precomputed using BigQuery with SQL scripts. They are stored in a dataset warehouse and exported into flat files where OLAP Database (Clickhouse) can ingest from this.

    Batch Views
  • I use this script to create a batch view for the total sales.

    SUM(fs.sales_quantity) AS total_sales_quantity,
    SUM(fs.extended_sales_amount) AS total_sales_amount,
    SUM(fs.extended_sales_amount - fs.extended_discount_amount) AS total_profit,
    MAX( AS current_run_date
    FROM {{ ref('fact_sales') }} AS fs
    JOIN {{ ref('dim_dates') }} AS dd ON fs.date_key = dd.date_key

    I use dbt to generate the batch views. The result of the dbt models is stored in the data warehouse and exported to Google Cloud Storage as flat files.

Speed Layer

  • By design, the batch layer has a high latency, typically delivering batch views to the serving layer at a rate of once or twice per day. Speed layer handles realtime data streams and provides up-to-date views.

    Speed Layer
  • In this project, the stream flows are just to deliver data from source (Rainbow Database) to our sink (OLAP Database) in near realtime without processing. Data after being transmitted to the destination will be aggregated and formed speed views.


    I am using Kafka Connect to establish data streams from the source to sink by configuring two plugins io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector and com.clickhouse.kafka.connect.ClickHouseSinkConnector.

Serving Layer

  • The data serving layer receives the batch views from the batch layer and also receives the near real-time views streaming in from the speed layer.

  • Serving layer merges results from those two layer into final unified views.

    Serving Layer
  • I use this script to create a unified view for the total sales.

    CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS rainbow.v_total_sales ON CLUSTER 'cluster'
    SUM(total_sales_quantity) AS total_sales_quantity,
    SUM(total_sales_amount) AS total_sales_amount,
    SUM(total_profit) AS total_profit
    FROM (
    FROM rainbow.v_total_sales_batch
    FROM rainbow.v_total_sales_speed

    The unified views are created in Clickhouse. The rainbow.v_total_sales_batch view is the batch view (read from flat files in Google Cloud Storage) and the rainbow.v_total_sales_speed view is the speed view (read from Clickhouse after ingesting from Kafka). The final view rainbow.v_total_sales is the unified view that combines the results from the batch and speed views.

Data Pipeline

  • Our data pipeline mainly focus on moving, transforming and organizing data to serve the need of Batch layer in the lambda architecture.

  • For orchestrating, scheduling the pipeline in an automatically way, I am using open source tool called Dagster. Moreover, dbt is used for transformation steps in our data pipeline.

    Data Pipeline


  • Dagster models pipelines in terms of the data assets. With Dagster, I can define the data assets, their dependencies, and the transformations that need to be applied to them.
  1. Assets

    • Dagster is asset-centric, which declare that the primary focus is on the data products (assets) generated by the pipeline. In this project, I defined many assets, each asset is responsible for a result of one step.


      An asset is an object in persistent storage, such as a table, file.

      Dagster Asset
    • For example, the asset gcs_orders_file is responsible for extracting data of table orders from Rainbow Database and saving as a parquet file in Google Cloud Storage. Or the asset fact_sales is the fact table in our data warehouse, it is created by aggregating and transforming data from staging and dimension tables.

      Dagster Assets
    • Dagster automatically tracks asset dependencies and it allows you to track the current state of your assets.


      If upstream assets are materialized but the downstream assets, it will mark the state of downstream assets as Out of sync.

    • Dagster provides Asset Checks to define and execute different types of checks on your data assets directly in Dagster. This help us to perform some kind of data quality tests or data existing checks.

      Dagster Asset Check
    • Dagster also allow us to provide rich metadata for each assets.

      Dagster Asset Metadata
  2. Partitions & Backfill

    • An asset definition can represent a collection of partitions that can be tracked and materialized independently. In other words, you can think each partition functions like its own mini-asset, but they all share a common materialization function and dependencies.

    • For example, I have a DailyPartition asset where each partition key represent a date like 2024-09-01, 2024-02-09, …

      Dagster Asset Partitions
    • Using partitions provides the following benefits:

      • Cost efficiency: Run only the data that’s needed on specific partitions.
      • Speed up compute: Divide large datasets into smaller, allow boosting computational speed with parallel processing.
    • Backfilling is the process of running partitions for assets or updating existing records. Dagster supports backfills for each partition or a subset of partitions. Backfills are common when setting up a pipeline where:

      • Run the pipeline for the first time where you might want to backfill all historical and current data.
      • Scenario when you changed the logic for an asset and need to update historical data with the new logic.
    • In the project, this backfill job will materialize on all 37 partitions.

      Dagster Backfill Job
  3. Resources

    • In data engineering, resources are the external services, tools, and storage you use to do your job.

    • In this project, the pipeline often interacts with Rainbow Database, Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery. A gcs resource is described as below.

      Dagster Resource
    • The concept of resource is similar to the concept of connection in Airflow. I observe that the two biggest advantages of the resource in Dagster are the reusability in code and resource dependency in asset.

  4. Assets Job

    • Jobs are the main unit for executing and monitoring asset definitions in Dagster. An asset job is a type of job that targets a selection of assets and can be launched.

    • In this project, I define an asset job called batch_job with the purpose of running the whole pipeline in batch layer. This job is launched at fixed interval, by using schedules.

      Dagster Asset Job
  5. Schedules

    • Schedules are Dagster's way of supporting traditional methods of automation, which allow you to specify when a job should run. Using schedules in this project, the whole pipeline is set up to run at a fixed time at 0:00 AM UTC every day.

      Dagster Schedule
    • In this project, partitioned assets will be run on the latest partition key. In other words, if I have DailyPartition asset, each day the pipeline will run on the partition key of the previous date. For example, if the current date is 2024-09-02, then the pipeline will be provided a partition key of the previous date 2024-09-01 when it starts to run.


  • Our project consists of ELT pipeline where we extract data from Rainbow Database, transform and load them to the Data Warehouse. The letters E and L are the process of moving data between two places in which we can easily achieve this by writing script and defining them as assets in Dagster.
  • Dbt is designed to solve for the T part of ELT, by working on raw data already present in a data warehouse and transforming it into a usable data (tables or views).
  1. Model

    • Dbt model is essentially a SQL file that contains a transformation query. This query decides how data is transformed from its raw form to a usable form in the data warehouse.

    • The SQL query is saved as a view or table in the data warehouse. This means that we don’t need to care about scripts to create a view or a table and instead focus on the transformation logic only.

    • For example, I have a dbt model dim_products which represents the transformation logic of creating a dimension table for product data. Every time this dbt model runs, the new data is inserted incrementally to the table dim_products in our data warehouse by specifying materialized='incremental'. For SCD type 2, I use incremental_strategy='merge' to handle the changes in the data.


      -- Logic transformation
  2. Source

    • Source tables refer to tables loaded into the warehouse by an EL process. Since dbt did not create them, we need to define them in the sources.yml file.

      version: 2
      - name: rainbow
      schema: raw
      - name: customers
      - name: products
      # Other tables

      In dbt, {{ source('rainbow', 'products') }} refers to the table raw.products in our data warehouse.

  3. Test

    • We can define tests to be run on processed data using dbt. Dbt allows us to create 2 types of tests, they are:

      1. Generic tests: Unique, not_null, accepted_values, and relationships tests per column defined in YAML files.

        • For example, I have defined some generic tests in the schema.yml file. These tests will be run on the columns of the table dim_products to ensure the uniqueness and not null constraints.

          version: 2

          - name: dim_products
          - name: product_key
          description: "Unique surrogate key for a product"
          - unique
          - not_null
          - name: product_id
          description: "Unique identifier for a product"
          - unique
          - not_null
      2. Data tests: SQL queries that check the data quality of the transformed data. In particular, they are select statements that seek to grab "failing" records, ones that disprove your assertion.

        • For example, I have a dbt test assert_consistent_total_sales.sql in which I want to ensure that the total sales value after transforming and loading to data warehouse is consistent to the total sales value in the raw form. This test will fail in case this query returns the count differ than 0.

          WITH revenue_fact_sales AS (
          SUM(extended_sales_amount) AS total_extended_sales_amount
          FROM {{ ref('fact_sales') }}
          revenue_raw_order_details AS (
          SUM(quantity * price) AS total_extended_sales_amount
          FROM {{ source('rainbow', 'orderdetails') }}
          FROM revenue_fact_sales
          JOIN revenue_raw_order_details
          ON revenue_fact_sales.total_extended_sales_amount != revenue_raw_order_details.total_extended_sales_amount

Dagster & dbt

  • You can think of dbt model as an asset in Dagster. When a dbt model runs, it can create a view or table in our data warehouse which we can call it as a Dagster asset. The dependencies between dbt models are also dependencies of corresponding assets in Dagster.

    Dagster & dbt
  • Dagster can orchestrates, schedules the run of those dbt models. Dagster makes use of dbt tests as asset checks, therefore, it ensure the data quality when integrating them together.

    Dagster & dbt Check



  • In this project, I create a single Apache Kafka cluster with 3 brokers. Each topic within this cluster have 3 partitions and 2 replicas. The amount of data is not large, so that this setup is appropriate for serving the need of near realtime streaming.

    Kafka Cluster
    • Message is the Kafka’s unit of data like a row or a record of data. Producer publish messages into Kafka cluster. Consumer then consume those messages by pulling them from the system.
    • The published messages are stored in a server called broker. The broker receives messages from producers, assigns offsets, and writes them on disk. It also serves consumers by responding to the message fetch requests.
    • Messages are organized into topics. Each topic is divided into one or many partitions. A partition of a topic can be replicated to different brokers, so this means a topic can be scaled horizontally across multiple servers.


  • Single Kafka cluster is deployed into Kubernetes environment. Each broker lives within one separate Kubernetes pod.

    Kafka Broker


  • Messages are organized into topics. For each table in Rainbow Database, it has a corresponding topic. E.g: Kafka will create a topic products for capturing data changes from table products.

    Kafka Topic
  • Debezium acts as the Kafka producer which it capture changes (inserts, updates, deletes) from our Rainbow Database. After capturing these changes, Debezium publishes them as events to Kafka topics.

  • The Clickhouse Sink Connector serves as the Kafka consumer which it subscribes to the relevant topics and then writes the consumed data into the appropriate tables in ClickHouse.

    Clickhouse Consume Topic


  • The serving layer of the Lambda Architecture is meant to provide near real-time analytics.

  • Clickhouse is used as an OLAP Database in the Serving layer. ClickHouse uses a columnar database model, so it fits the requirements of delivering near real-time data and views due to fast query execution.

  • Clickhouse get precomputed batch views by ingesting from GCS and receives real-time data by ingesting from Kafka.



  • I use Apache Superset for creating and building charts, dashboards. In this project, I want to have analysis on sales data along with others data.

Total Sales

  • Analyze the total quantity of products sold and the total amount of revenue generated.

    Total Sales

Day Of Week With Most Sales

  • Determine which day of the week experiences the highest sales volume. It helps in identifying peak sales days, useful for inventory management and marketing campaigns.

    Day Of Week With Most Sales

Top Sellers

  • Identify and display the top-performing sellers.

Top 5 Most Profitable Products By Category

  • Analyze the top 5 products with the highest profit within each category.

Most Common Payment Methods

  • Visualize the distribution of payment methods used by customers (credit card, cash, …).

Customer Ranking

  • Rank customers based on metrics such as total purchases


  • In this project, I have shown you:

    • The architecture of the project based on the Lambda Architecture pattern.
    • How I do the data processing with the ELT pipeline (batch processing) and the near real-time processing with the Speed Layer.
    • The data pipeline is orchestrated and scheduled by Dagster.
    • The transformation step is done by dbt.
    • Visualization and dashboards are built with Apache Superset.